Thursday, November 8, 2007

Clarification received--relief!

Okay, I got an email back from the person who taught at the school this past summer. She has further explained "latrine." It appears that it is an outhouse, with or without an "interior structure." At least it's not an "open trench" which is one definition. I didn't like the mental picture!! :)

Many thanks to a personal friend of mine who found a forgotten stash of cash in one of her drawers and decided the best way to use it was to provide some resource support for my trip. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing the vision to help improve the lives of these orphans!

Next prep steps: Call the IU international travel office to meet with them and discuss necessary vaccinations and medications and obtain a Ugandan travel visa. (I have my passport already--and despite hearing many horror stories about how long people have had to wait to get them, mine came sooner than expected!)
Thanks for your interest. . .

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Officially Committed

I've submitted my initial paperwork and $100 deposit. It's official now!!

I've been in contact with someone who went to Nyaka last June for a month. She sent me a very helpful list of what to bring, what not to bring, and some cultural differences. Very evident in several of the instructions is the "no priss" factor, which concerns me a bit--she says don't mess with make-up--no one else does-- and don't bring electric hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, etc. That means I'll go to the stylist and make sure I've got a "no-fuss" do. Now, I was aware of these kinds of "roughing it" being a part of the trip. I figure Hilltop camp has prepared me for some of it :) I was somewhat comforted when I read that the school has a guest house with a shower (cold, but nevertheless, a shower). It's her mentioning the word "latrine" that has me concerned. I've asked her for further clarification. . .

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sweet devo time

Monday, I decided that I would read and study the book of James over the next few days. I love to read and reread James because of its action orientation to faith. "Faith without works is dead!" ". . .I will show you my faith by what I do!" My version of that at home for the family is, "Knowing and Doing are two different things!" (I think that will be the title of my first book.) Anyway, I came across James 1:27, which has new meaning for me as I anticipate my trip: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after ORPHANS and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (emphasis mine)
A sweet reminder of the purpose. . .

Monday, November 5, 2007

New Blogger

Hello Friends & Family!
I'm in the process of creating this blog to keep you all updated on my mission trip to Nyaka AIDS Orphans' School in the village of Nyakagyezi in Uganda, East Africa. I'll be leaving January 29, 2008 and returning February 10.
Click on this link, then click on "zoom out" on the left of the map to see the country and the continent.

I look forward to keeping in touch with this new (for me) techno-format. I plan on catching you up on what led me to take this trip, then keep you updated as things unfold.
By the way, I have a girlfriend that calls me Lucy (not as in "I Love ____") but as in the book/tv special/comic character. She says it's not because I'm a bossy grouch (as the character is) but because Lucy often plays therapist for her best friend, Charlie. There's where the title came from. . .