Monday, January 7, 2008

Criminal Mischief->Burglary

If you caught the end of my last blog, you'll remember that I cut my explanation of my call to mission trip short because I discovered my garage and car had been burglarized. Yep, it was true. When the garage door was up for a short time while my daughter drove a friend home around midnight, one or more misguided youth decided to get my purse out of my car in the garage, dump the contents in my side yard, and steal my mp3 player. They also found our other keys and checked out our cars in the driveway. My daughter got a good look at one of them as he ran across the neighbor's yard. We have given the unusual description to the police and hope they continue to investigate. The kids may have been looking for one more "thrill" before Christmas break ended (yes, we call it Christmas break around here, not "winter break" or "holiday break"). I'll let you know if any arrests are made. . .
It's already late tonight, or I'd finish the calling story. There are more stories to tell. I'll add more tomorrow night.

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