Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mission Trip Calling, Part 2

I can still hear them in my head repeating after me this Sunday. "God is a God of ________?" "Order!" they would yell back. That was the lesson for this past week in the kindergarten and first grade room. We talked about how creation had to be done in a certain order or, for example, the animals would have drowned! Have you considered how He has ordered the steps of your life to build on each other, preparing you for each upcoming experience? Isn't that cool what a personal God He also is??? Let's rejoin the mission calling progression.
I spoke with Brad about watching the Nyaka video and how it had touched me. He said that he was considering planning a trip there because that was mission organization he had not visited yet. It was indeed a possibility!! As I talked, thought, and prayed, it looked more and more like it could become reality. Initial discussions with my family revolved around whether it was a safe place to go. There were questions like, "Wasn't that where one of the cruelest rulers had ever governed?" (Idi Amin) Yes, but he's not been in power for nearly 30 years. I was not going to be dissuaded.

We set a goal for VBX of raising $5000 because that would build Nyaka another classroom. Our grand total was $5,287! We also held a successful book drive because that was one of the high priority needs listed. Now, what we did not consider was the cost of postage--which is completely outrageous (approx $250 for every 65 lbs), so we'll be taking books with us along with continuing to send shipments as we can afford them (if anyone wants to contribute to the book postage fund to build up their library (they are taught English, so books will help them immensely!), let me know.

As Brad and I talked more and he communicated with Jackson, school founder and one of the American contacts, the trip became reality. I ordered my passport in August even though my family was not fully in love with the idea of me going. They're coming around. In September, I experienced what I felt was another major confirmation of the calling.
My prayers at that time about the trip centered around the fact that all the info and training I had was about American children's experience with grief. How was I going to help the Nyaka teachers if I had no conception of their culture, the children's roles and relationships with their parents, etc? What had I gotten myself into? I didn't want to be some arrogant American with all the "answers"--none of which applied to these kids' situations. I prayed, "God, how am I going to at least get a glimpse of their situations and understand so I can help???"
I went to the American Association of Christian Counselors' conference in mid-September. I attended a very helpful seminar on kids and grief that was a great, concise, reminder of what I already knew. A few hours later, I was sitting in one of the main seminars, admittedly bored with its message and flow. I started perusing the conference program, and decided I would determine the location of my next breakout session. I find the building map (of the Opryland Hotel--I LOVE that place!!!! That was the first place someone ever said to me--I could see you in ministry--plenty of stories and memories there!). On the page facing the map, there was an advertisement for a mission organization. The headline was, "Be touched. Be inspired. Be changed. There was a quote in the upper right hand corner: "The HIV/AIDS pandemic is the greatest opportunity for the Church to be the Church. It is time for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need compassion." Rick Warren. Whoa, it got my attention. The paragraph on the page read:

Try to imagine the devastation of losing not one, but both parents as a young child. You are left alone with no one to care for you, no one to feed and clothe you, and no one to protect you. Millions of frightened children have been abandoned to fend completely for themselves after watching their parents die a slow agonizing death from HIV/AIDS. Meet these courageous children. They will change your opinions, your beliefs . . .and your life!

I'm not sure I was breathing at this point. This organization was GIVING AWAY a book that contained the very information I had prayed about that week. The book, Children of Hope, is available (still free) through an organization called World Help . Tears welled up in my eyes as I experienced one of those God connection moments. I sank down in my chair, overwhelmed, and felt as if I could melt into the floor. Talk about a personal God. Confirmation of a calling? You betcha. After I prayed and the session let out, I dashed down to the exhibit hall to obtain a copy of the book. I began reading it before the conference was over. The stories were incredibly sad, but many had positive outcomes. Exactly what I needed. Wow. There was no turning back now.

Thank you God, for the way you lead when we ask and are trying to pay attention. Help us never to miss the ways you provide for us.

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